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A DBA Week at Kielder Water

This last week I took a week off from work to spend time focusing on my DBA. We booked a lodge at Kielder Water from Monday to Friday to help get away from the distractions of every day life. This post is just a bit of a fun snapshot of how my week went. In a second post I have written more seriously about what I learned from the week and how far I got with my work.

Day 1

Day one of my DBA week was mostly travelling up to Kielder Water and settling in:

  • Miles driven: 142
  • Haribos eaten while travelling: 12
  • Stops on the way: 1 (or 2 if you count bike pick up)
  • Yoga:15 minutes
  • Swim: 30 minutes
  • Sauna/Steam Room: probably not long enough
  • Chaffinches on the patio: 4
  • Work emails seen: 0
  • Work related emails that come to personal address seen: 4
  • DBA word count: 976
  • DBA Progress: Context chapter mapped and intro and some random stuff written
  • DBA time spent: 2 hours
  • LinkedIn Posts: 1 (and some comments)

Day 2

Day 2 is really the first full day of DBA focused work as most of Day 1 was just getting here. There was an element of settling into a rhythm but working in roughly 45 minute bursts seemed to work and having yoga or exercise breaks definitely helped. Day two stacked up like this

  • Yoga breaks: 4
  • Hot tub breaks: 1
  • Run: 1 (45 minutes)
  • Broken cafetières discovered: 1
  • Cups of coffee drunk: Not enough (see above)
  • Ginger nuts dunked in tea: 6
  • Duolingo Spanish streak broken: 1 (but had a streak freeze left so it’s ok)
  • Chaffinches: loads, about 30 all at once
  • Great tits: 1
  • Nuthatch: 1
  • Blue tits: 2
  • Wagtails: 2
  • Osprey: 1
  • Pigeon: 1
  • Other birds: lots
  • Other people: Almost none
  • Red Squirrels: 0
  • 45 minute writing bursts: 5
  • 20 minute writing bursts: 1
  • Random kinda editing on the sofa but faffing too: 90 minutes
  • End Day Word Count: 4865
  • Words actually written: More than that but they’re rubbish
  • Tabs Open: Go Away
  • Sworn at SQE: Lots and lots
  • Glasses misplaced: hmph

Day 3

Today brought a change of pace. I slept later and then again started with some yoga. I had a first writing session full of faffing and not being able to locate some statistics I know I saw only a few days ago.The second session after a 10 minute yoga break was better and I used the stats I had to hand as placeholders for now knowing that there will be at leat two more reports before I submit the thesis anyway. I went for a run in the morning rather than in the afternoon today and that resulted in a 3rd really productive session before lunch. After lunch I struggled to get the focus back so after persevering for a bit I switched from writing to reading some of the materials I brought with me. So here’s how Day 3 looks in random numbers

  • End Day Word Count: 6638
  • Draft chapter: 85% complete
  • References to sort: Ahem
  • Run: 2 miles
  • Tabs open: fewer than yesterday (not on purpose)
  • Yoga breaks: 3
  • Writing sessions: 4
  • Book chapters read: 6.5
  • Sticky tabs deployed: 29
  • Ginger nuts dunked: 5
  • Haribo eaten: 2 (packet’s empty)
  • Times glasses were not where I was: Every time
  • Red Squirrels: 0
  • Rabbits by lodge: 3
  • Annoying emails dealt with: 1
  • Birds not noticed yesterday: 2 (Coal tit and robin)
  • Hot tub staring at the sky: 20 minutes
  • Confidence crisis: 1/2
  • HIIT session: 20 minutes

Day 4

Day 4 has been less focused. I woke up very early, started with a slightly longer (still only 20 minute) yoga session and spent most of the time on the sofa rather than actually sitting at the table. I did less writing but more reading and thinking and mapping out structures for the literature review chapter.

  • End Day Word Count Context Chapter: 7010
  • Context chapter complete: 90%
  • End Day Word Count Literature Review: 2483
  • Book chapters read: 7
  • Sticky tabs deployed: 32
  • Highlighters dangerously close to empty: 1
  • Red Squirrels: 0
  • Ginger Nuts dunked 2
  • Flapjack remembered, found and eaten: 2 pieces
  • Yoga breaks: 2
  • Hot tub breaks: 2
  • Swim: 45 minutes
  • Times sworn at Word formatting tools: too many to count
  • Coffee forgotten about: 1
  • Chaffinches within touching distance: 4
  • Mice on patio: 1, possibly 2
  • Invites to track Kath’s activity on Garmin: 2
  • Feeling of not really having done anything: high
  • Talking to given to myself: 1
  • DBA progress: 1 near complete draft chapter and one chapter mapped out with headings and some quotes and text in place

Day 5

Day five was just packing up and travel really as well as thinking and reflecting time and a stop off at the Wensleydale Creamery in Hawes. So really the question is: How much Cheese is too much Cheese? And I am still not sure I understand that question.


A week of writing, reading and being

I have once again been thinking about whether to bin or re-launch the blog. Given that I have just spent a week away predominantly for writing and writing is definitely a habit that gets easier the more you do it, I am going to try and stick with it and see what happens! Just excuse the outdated stuff while I get organised.

I have had great success with writing retreats of various forms in the past. But they have always been either half a day or a day and it has been a very very long time since I have had the luxury of concentrated writing time. In order to ensure I can actually do the DBA, I negotiated a week per academic year in addition to my annual leave to take off specifically for working on the thesis. I did of course have all sorts of plans of being way further ahead when I booked the week. I had plans of mapping out empirical work and refining already drafted chapters… but I think it still worked out really well.

Before going I had done no real work on the thesis. I had submitted my final assignment which was the research proposal but I haven’t had my mark and feedback yet so I have not been able to complete the transfer to thesis paperwork or have supervisors assigned. In some ways I am therefore working a little blind. Before going, I had spent a little bit of time searching for relevant literature with a particular focus on the theoretical framework and I saved a whole load of journal articles and links and obviously some of the work had already been done for the proposal. That was the extent of my preparation. Just before leaving I picked up some key edited collections on legal education from my book shelves and crammed them in my bag.

You can see how the week went in a bit of silly fun reflection here. But in essence, I spent day 1 travelling there and settling in, days 2-4 working on stuff and day 5 packing up and heading home and being a bit grumpy and tired. The plan for the week had been to get the context chapter as written as possible and then spend time on the literature review with a focus on the theoretical framework sections. I wanted to work in roughly 45 minute bursts with alternating short and longer breaks. The shorter breaks were going to be little 10 minute yoga flows, a quick hot tub dip or just a cup of tea outside and the longer ones were to be longer hot tub or yoga breaks, walks, other exercise or just chatting with Kath. I was also intending to go for a run most mornings if not all.

True to recent form I did not manage to be awake enough to run first thing. It used to be pretty much the only time I could run and now I just can’t seem to get going. So running before anything else didn’t actually work. I did get out for 2 runs though and I am actually pretty happy with that given how much I have struggled with running recently. The rest worked pretty well. 45 minutes is a good time for a concentrated session and the breaks worked well. I didn’t set an alarm. It wasn’t that sort of week. My wake up times were dramatically different. So one day I didn’t start working until 9ish and another day I’d done yoga and has breakfast by 6.30. I also didn’t have a clear set finish time in mind. On day 1 and 4 we booked the pool for a swim at 7pm and on day 1 I did a little more after that and on day 4 I wanted to spend the last evening there with Kath so I didn’t log back on.

On reflection I think I actually did quite a lot. I finished a first draft of my context chapter – focused on policy contexts of legal education and social justice. It’s too long at the moment – I think some of what I included actually belongs in the literature review and other bits are too historical and probably not relevant for the thesis in the end. I feel like it is a solid first draft that can sit until I have a clearer idea of where the empirical work is taking me and can adjust for relevance and focus then. This chapter came to me fairly easily. It’s mostly stuff I am familiar with, have read lots about and which is so part of my day to day work that it really didn’t feel too difficult to get about 7000 words down quickly. Once I had that where I felt like I could leave it, I turned my attention to the literature review.

I quickly realised that I was not going to focus on the theoretical framework like I had planned. While I had all the literature there with me, saved on my computer, I hadn’t printed any of it and I just wasn’t up for reading on screen. So instead I spent a bit of time mapping the various sections of the literature review and trying to work out what would go in each section and what order they would work in. Then I turned my attention to the books I had brought with me. In total I read about 15 book chapters that I deemed relevant to the literature review headings. I used sticky tabs and a highlighter (yes, I highlight in my books and I understand the anxiety this will cause some of you – sorry) and then spent the afternoon and evening of Day 4 adding in key points and some nice quotes under the various headings and getting some of my immediate thoughts down. All in all I ended up with around 10000 words written – made up of a complete context chapter and a fairly well mapped our literature review with some initial thoughts.

It was an interesting week and I would definitely recommend that sort of away time for thinking and writing. I was surprised at how quickly I settled in. I definitely write better and am more focused in the morning and later in the evening. Quite frankly I should not be left unsupervised in the afternoon – I don’t function well at all. In the morning or last thing, the 45 minute sessions overran – not by much but I just wasn’t clock watching at all. In the afternoon I would lose concentration much more quickly and had to force myself to keep working. In fact by Day 4 I gave up any pretence of really trying and moved from the dining table to the sofa. In the morning I also kept the breaks between the 45 minutes very short, even 10 minute yoga felt almost too long (but was definitely good for a brain re-fresh) but in the afternoon I was more prone to lingering and ‘just another minute’.

Next time I do anything like this I will try and prep better and make sure I print anything I want to read, otherwise I just won’t. I will also make sure I have jobs like formatting, basic editing and sorting out references etc to do in the afternoon. That way I can do really useful work and feel good about it but not have to do the heavy thinking and writing when I’m more like the bear of very little brain than anything else. We got a lot of things right during the week, healthy but easy to prepare food as well as some treats like ginger nut biscuits to dunk in tea, taking our yoga mats and running gear, not setting alarms, not having major plans and spending less time doing, and more time just being. I think we got the balance right. Part of me wonders what would happen if we did a Friday to Friday or Monday to Monday and how much difference the extra days might make. What sort of rhythm would I settle into then? But I was tired on Friday. Productivity dropped and working on the thesis switched from being fun and exciting and something for me to something that felt like a chore, another thing that has to be done. So I think maybe the Monday to Friday cabin is actually just right for keeping the fun and excitement of the research as well as getting stuff done or a longer stint but with some deliberate half days or a full day off in the middle might also work.

Now for keeping the momentum going – watch this space.



I have been thinking about whether to write and if I do what to write for days. I don’t know what to say. All of this is out of my comfort zone and that in itself makes me uncomfortable. Part of me feels I have nothing to add, nothing to say that matters in any way at all. But staying silent is worse. Staying silent is not really an option. Yesterday I saw the following tweet by Tahir, a researchers at Leeds Uni and the SLSA postgrad rep (who pops up in my time line so frequently I didn’t realise until today that I didn’t actually follow him) and I think that captures some of why not writing a post is not an option.

But what can I possibly say? The Association of Law Teachers tweeted

The landscape and narratives of legal education are indeed overwhelmingly white. My own history, my own education was overwhelmingly white, my world is in so many ways overwhelmingly white. So where to start. Of course I would like to think I am not racist and I would hope that in many ways I am anti-racist but I am also a white relatively privileged woman and therefore so much part of a global system and lots of national and local systems that are fundamentally racist. There are so many things here that I could write about and I know very little about all of them. As the #BlackLivesMatter protests continue and calls for white people to educate ourselves and do better increase, I think it is really important that we don’t all suddenly start pretending we know about race. It’s our time (and well overdue!) to shut up, listen and learn. So here I want to reflect on what all of this might mean for me as a law teacher. And by ‘all of this’ I mean, my emotional reaction to the murder of George Floyd and the protests which have followed, the call to learn more, the call for solidarity that is more meaningful than a building lit in purple for one night and a call for action which genuinely supports black and brown people in their protests and struggles, which amplifies their voices and helps to make them heard.

So before I start, I know very little, I have read not nearly enough and I have not engaged sufficiently with the question of race in the legal classroom. What I have engaged with is different ways of teaching law, treating all students as human beings rather than student numbers and building relationships with students. As part of that I have always been keen to listen to my students and learn from them. I remember listening to a student asking whether she could leave her research on abortion law in my office as she wouldn’t be able to take it home in case her parents saw it. I remember talking about language use in the classroom and whether teachers being excluded through the use of languages other than English was problematic. I remember conversations in class about intersections of law, race and religion and instinctively recognising them as important even when they appeared to be off topic and I remember a powerful and moving student presentation of a review of the book ‘Learning the Law’ (Glanville Williams) which was entirely focused on the discriminatory and colonial undertones of the word ‘the’ in the title.

I remember thinking about race and particularly religion a lot as Head of School – how do we design a legal curriculum that is meaningful for what was actually the majority of our students and which does the experience and realities of all of our students justice, which listens, which empowers and which does not simply re-tell the legal and historical narrative of white privileged men? The thinking here was framed by the Bradford context of course, it was about a Muslim, Pakistani and often economically poor cohort of students. I hope that I created a safe space in which to talk about some of the issues, but I also know that I did not centre race generally or even the specific concerns of the majority of our students. What we taught for the most was still a white curriculum, even if we added some questioning of it.

Since moving institutions I have done worse in some ways. I am not in a management role, I don’t have influence over our curriculum which, from what I can see is pretty traditional in many ways. I have made some changes but, perhaps obviously, these have been centred on things I know about. The Public Law reading list now contains some female authors where there were previously none (!) and I created a new module to make space for critical thought around legal education and aspects of law. While that module contains some discussion of race, it is focused on feminist and queer critiques of law and legal education. I hope it created space for thinking about law differently, for challenging our approach, my approach, to legal education and to teaching law and helped to amplify some voices not otherwise heard but I am not sure this is enough.

So what is enough? I don’t know. I need your help here. Tell me what you need from me, what would help, how can help? I wonder whether first recongising that we don’t know anything or very much is helpful. There are people out there who have been researching race in various context for years, decades. The expertise is theirs. It might be helpful to read some things outside of the current mainstream and when working out what that is, let’s talk to each other, let’s help each other. Let’s not laugh at someone for not having read or thought about something. Let’s be firm – we must do better – but gentle – we have to start somewhere and your somewhere will be different from mine and that’s ok – but we must start. Adding one or two things to the reading list to include some black and brown authors ain’t gonna do it though. In many cases doing something and starting somewhere means challenging the established and accepted curriculum in a given area, doing things differently, leaving out or re-framing things that we feel confident with and have always ‘known’ should be there. It won’t be comfortable. But I also don’t think we have to do this alone. Talking about what we are doing and why with our students is also really important. Creating space to challenge the orthodoxy, to hear other voices, to listen, I mean really listen, to our students, particularly our black and brown students is part of creating an inclusive legal curriculum which begins to challenge the dominant white narratives.

So as I think about my teaching I am partly confident that I can begin to make changes and partly totally lost. In Perspectives on Law and Society I will start with discussions on race in legal education and law. This section of the module used to come at the end, this year I will put it up front because I want to create a space where we can talk about recent events and think about how they impact on us and on how we think about law, social justice and legal education. That module is relatively easy because it’s not about legal rules or content and because it is not a traditional legal module so it is not weighed down by tradition or a textbook. The same is true for my Law in Literature and the Arts module which also allows for lots of opportunities to talk about race and racism and challenge the traditional stories. I feel ok about these modules, I feel like I can do something with them which is meaningful for all my students and which can help us all learn. I feel like in these modules I can say ‘I don’t know, I understand that sometimes I am part of the problem, help me be better’. I feel like with those modules I can make a start.

Then there is Public Law. Thinking about Public Law really highlights just how ingrained the dominant white narrative of our legal history is. I find myself sitting with a blank piece of paper staring at it. How do I make this module anti-racist? And I have to admit that I don’t know where to start. How can it be that in a module about the relationship between the State and its citizens I cannot think about how to logically frame an anti-racist curriculum. This should be easy. And yet, every time I put pen to paper to map out what the module should look like I end up with something that is so remarkably like the module I took over, the textbooks, hell, even the module I was taught. Adding women to the reading list and using their writings in seminars etc was easy, it didn’t challenge much. This though is much harder.

I am not an expert on race – either in specific fields of law or in legal education – but that’s no excuse to perpetuate racism in the curriculum and classroom. So what do I do? I teach Public Law to first year law students. I have a powerful platform which can help set the tone for students’ legal education and the way they see their place within the Law School and the wider world. It’s a platform which I can use to highlight that the dominant narrative of legal education, or Public Law specifically, is white but that there are stories missing and that the stories usually told have been whitewashed. I can point to alternatives and draw on the work of those with expertise and most of all I hope I can create space for genuine discussion and learning. So for now that Public Law outline is staying blank while I go and seek out the other stories and the missing bits in the stories I have always been told and that I have re-told. It stays blank while I deliberately go and seek out the things which make me uncomfortable, have conversations which highlight the whiteness of our Constitutional set up or the colonial assumptions which sit behind human rights frameworks for example. It will stay blank until I have thought about what is really important about Public Law as a thing – until I am clearer in my head what it should be – maybe if I can begin with a conversation about what public law should do, together we can work out what stories we need to tell about it.

So is there a point to this rambling? Well yes, sort of. My emotional reaction to the protests has been quite strong. I have felt angry and helpless and paralysed and motivated to facilitate change all at once. At the same time as thinking there was nothing I could do, feeling part of the problem with little power to make any difference I also remembered that I do have a powerful platform from which to start discussion and from which to hear and amplify voices. I am able to encourage real dialogue and learning. That’s where I can help make a difference – probably mostly to my own understanding and maybe that is more important than I often think. But mostly I hope that my students read this and see it as a genuine invitation to talk to me about race and your experience of it in law, in the classroom and in life. I hope that it is clear that I know that sometimes I have been part of the problem, and maybe always will be and that this has never been intentional. I hope that it is clear that I am listening and that I will, where I can, help you find your voices and amplify them. I hope you feel safe enough to get in touch, tell me what you think I should read/watch/listen to, tell me what’s important to you and help me to learn to be a much much better anti-racist educator.